Reiki Treatment Checklist

Reiki Treatment Checklist

  1. Before the recipient arrives, wash your hands and cleanse yourself and the room by “smudging” or other cleansing means such as spirit team, crystals, clapping etc
  2. Try to be relaxed and at one with yourself immediately prior to treatments. Avoid rushing around.
  3. Spend a few minutes with the recipient to gain rapport and check that they have enough time for you to complete the treatment. Ask if there is anything they would like to focus on.
  4. If this is their first time, explain that you will be using your hands and let them know a little bit about the process.
  5. Answer any questions the recipient may have.
  6. Ensure that interruptions will not occur, eg switch off the phone and secure the door if appropriate
  7. You could have music playing at a low volume
  8. Make sure that you and the recipient are comfortable and that you will be able to retain a relaxed posture during the entire treatment.
  9. Call your Spirit Team to you for assistance.
  10. Ask permission from your client : “Do I have permission to place my hands on you for healing?”
  11. Begin with an aura sweep to stir up the energies to make it easier for you to work on. This can be done with hands or feather. Pay attention to any blocked energy you feel along the way (It's all explained in the video later on) 
  12. Start treatment at the 1. Head Front of body
  13. Ask and assist the recipient to turn over and treat 2. Back of body
  14. After completing the treatment, spend a few moments giving thanks to your Spirit Team for their help and assistance.
  15. Gently bring the recipient around by applying firm pressure with your thumbs to the middle of the soles of their feet. A tourmaline crystal can also do this for you to “ground” the recipient.
  16. Slowly help the recipient off the table making sure they don’t get dizzy due to light headedness from the treatment. Give them a glass of water to help with the energy flow.
  17. Take some time to talk through the treatment, indicating any feelings gained or advice for further treatments.
  18. Settle any arrangements for payment or exchange.
  19. Ensure the recipient has your details and knows how to contact you for further advice.
  20. When recipient has left, clear yourself of the energy that you have just worked with and give thanks to your team.
  21. Relax Well done!

Watch this quick video just explaining what I mean when I say you can clear a room by using clapping

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