Welcome to your crystal course for beginners

This is a course for beginners that want to start working with crystals for healing and self-empowerment.

I was lead into the world of working with crystals while doing Reiki. I now have my Crystal Team that work with me during healings on clients. I also have my own set of crystals for personal use. No one else gets to touch those ones except for me :)

In this course you will come to form a bond with your crystals as you work together as a team for healing of yourself, your home and loved ones.

In this course you will learn about :

1. Choosing crystals with your eyes and with your energy

2. Cleansing and crystal care

3. Aligning with crystals

4. Using your crystals for healing

5. Rock breathing meditation

6. Programming your crystals

7. Crystal grids

and more . . .

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