How Do Chakras Affect Us?


Each chakra distributes energy to certain areas of our body and certain areas of our lives. When a particular chakra is balanced, it is distributing energy efficiently to its associated organs, body parts, glands and its corresponding external counterparts as well.

For example, when our root chakra is balanced we can experience good health and ease in our lower back, hips, knees, ankles and feet and we can also feel secure in our jobs, the roof over our heads, finances, basic needs are met and we are self- confident in many things that we do.

As you can see by this one example, our chakras can affect us internally and externally. This is a pretty big deal considering that our chakra energy can either be building us up, or tearing us down in all areas of our life.

And here you are, learning about these awesome energy centres that are distributing energy to your body right now, in this very moment! Never suffer from blocked chakras again!

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